What clients say about okatai
I have an important principle: My role is to guide people in a better and positive direction. I am confident in my skills and my clients are happy about it.
Please take a look at some examples of what my clients say about my reading. They are all authentic people and that is the main point of review.
The best of the best!! The precision which he interprets the lines of your palm is unbelievable. I recommended him to my friends as well and they were amazed by his ability. He is a true help in trying to know yourself better, plus he gives you the best advices for the future acording to your lines.
I’m very greatful, thank you very much!)) – Maria
It was amazing. We did not know each other before, but he was able to read not only my palm, but me. It is the best palm reader i have met. – Ramona
The experience I had was simply amazing ! I was fascinated by the details you gave me and I want to thank you for making me discover things about myself. 😊
I really appreciate your work and I recommend you to everyone !
Can’t wait to hear more ! – Aida
The best. Most accurate biography reading and best life advices according to your needs. Manages to raise up stuff about your personality that even you wouldn’t thought they are true, but they defenetely are. I learned a lot and I will ask this beautiful human read me from time to time as sometimes even I cannot read myself. Thank you. – Diana
It was a pleasure and something that i’ve really enjoyed.I’m very happy i’ve met Okatai,because he’s the real deal.Also it was very interesting because i’ve understood how palm reading works more than words.Thank you Okatai for an amazing experience!!! See you soon.😀- Tudor
For a sceptic one…I can say that this was one of the most authentic and real things that I have experienced.
I totally recommend this for those who need/want some guidance/directions in their life and not only.
Thank you again 🙏🏻😊 – lulia
The master of palm reading! It was an amazing experience, he knows so well what he’s doing. His abilities and accuracy surprised me. He knows very well what advice to give, depending on your situation. I sincerely recommend him if you want to know thing you don’t even know about yourself. Thank you very much for all!
It was an honor for me to meet you. Thank you from the soul for the accuracy of the information … an exceptional interpretation. Thank you for guiding and illumination. A soul chosen by divinity … to share these mysteries. – Raluca
It was the best experience. Very accurate and the things he saw, were not those I show to everyone. He knows what he’s doing. Very professional and good adviser. I recommend to try this at least one time. Can’t wait to meet again.
Taisuke is the first palm reader I’ve been to out of sheer curiosity. If you want to discover more about yourself and work to become better, it is worth trying this experience. You will discover your strengths but also your weaknesses, health problems or those of love. Worth it !! Thank you very much Taisuke 🤗
The best! The precision is amazing. Very useful if you want to know yourself better. It was great. Thank you! – Alexandra
Best problem solving person i’ve ran into. Keep up the good work! – Raluca
Best palm reader! He know his work! See things which I hide! Thank you! 😊 – Aukse
If the lines from our palms could speak , what would they say ? We don’t know but Okatai can speak So good from our lines Palms . He is amazing maybe because he can read the soul from the palm . The best reader -Okatai ! Good Luck !
Reviews in other langulages
Vielen Dank für das ausführliches und interessantes Gespräch während dem Lesen von der Hand. Obwohl es nur anhand der Fotos war, konntest du doch einiges präzises über mich erzählen, was nur ganz wenige Personen über mich wissen. Es war ein positiver Gespräch von dem ich die Stärke und ein paar Tipps für die Zukunft für mich mitnehme. Ich bin gespannt ob ich manche Linien zum positiven verändern kann
Viel Erfolg weiterhin. – Tanja
Leggere il palmo è un arte dove la tecnica con cui si interpretano la personalità e il destino di una persona si fonde con la passione e la conoscenza della vera filosofia di vita. La sensibilità di Taisuke Okamoto nel leggere e interpretare le linee del mio palmo erano disarmante ,mettendomi di fronte ad una realtà per me ignara ..scrupoloso ,attento ,sensibile e preparato nella sua arte …un dono che non molti possono vantareConsiglio di cuore– Loredana
また是非よろしくお願い致します。- 末松
M-a uimit exactitatea pe care a avut-o în descrierea mea. M-a ajutat foarte mult și am primit sfaturi extraordinar de bune. Recomand cu încredere!! – Diana
A fost o experienta de neuitat din care am invatat multe lucruri. De asemenea am fost foarte bucuroasa de a descoperi o noua cultura si un om extraordinar.Recomand!!! See you soon Okatai
– Adriana
Foarte bun!! M-a ajutat mult!! Este foarte talentat! M-a descris cu exactitate si mi a dat sfaturi excelente! Recomand cu căldură !!!
Multumesc. – Andreea
Thank you very much!